- dofe,

DofE Diamond Challenge

The DofE Charity has helped young people from all walks of life since 1956. To celebrate our Diamond Anniversary we’re inviting you, your friends and family to help make it a year to remember – by taking part in the DofE Diamond Challenge.

Choose your challenge, raise money and help give more young people in your area a chance to shine.

For more information visit the DofE website at

DofE Gold Award Presentation

DofE Presentation Audrey Simm the Chief Executive Officer along with Richie Clarke, and Zoe Palmer attended the DofE Gold Award Presentation at Buckingham Palace in April 2016.  The CLCGB were presented with a Licensed Organisation plaque by Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE.


DofE Leaders Training

The CLCGB have been invited to join colleagues in The Boys Brigade for DofE training.

DofE Leaders Training Day - Emmanuel Centre Salford 11th March 2017

BB England and Wales is organising a training and update day designed specifically to cater for the needs of all DofE leaders - potential, new or experienced, which  will provide  information about how DofE can best be used in a BB Company, including the training, planning and supervision involved in running expeditions.  Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience, and Battalion DofE Ambassadors are particularly encouraged to attend.

The cost of the course is £10 (which includes lunch and tea & coffee throughout the day):

Emmanuel Centre Salford 

You can book by sending in the completed booking form or over the phone Robert Powell 01442 231 681

Download the booking form here

If you are attending please advise NHQ so we can update our records at NHQ.

DofE training

Further to another fantastic Dofe Zoom Catch-up meeting we now have dates in place to cover the following:

EAST course (Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training)

Part A – 12th July 6.30-9.30pm

Part B – 19th July 6.30-9.30pm

ittDofE  (Introduction to Dofe)

Part A – 28th June 6.30-9.30pm

Part B – 5th July 6.30 – 9.30pm

These courses are being run free of charge for us by Dofe Head Office, however, we do need 10 delegates per course to make it viable.

Both these courses are open to anyone who is already involved in Dofe and needs a refresher or for those who currently have no involvement but are interested in starting up Dofe within their Company. Please contact NHQ for further details.


Young leader training 20th June 2022

Please see this opportunity for young leader training, its online and its only 90 minutes on 20th June 2022.  Sponsored by The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, this was brought to our attention by our DofE Coordinator Richie Clarke

To mark Volunteers Week in June, our monthly Empowering Communities Good Practice Workshop is all about how to work successfully with young volunteers. Teenagers under 18 can be a brilliant addition to your volunteer team, bringing new ideas and energy to your project but what's a good way of recruiting from this age group and how is working with them different to supporting adult volunteers?

We will be joined by our local Duke of Edinburgh Awards team who will explain how they are expanding their work in this region and how this will increase the number of young people looking for placements.

Georgie Sheward. Operations Officer for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award says:

" The DofE currently has a network of over 3,000 Licensed Organisations, including local authorities, schools, youth clubs, young offenders institutions, businesses and national organisations such as the Guides and Scouts, with the support of an army of over 40,000 volunteers. We want to inform local voluntary and community organisations of the many ways they can engage with young DofE volunteers. In turn this enables us to improve access to meaningful volunteering opportunities and high-quality activities for young people doing their DofE."

We will also be joined by local and community organisations who already work with younger volunteers and they will be sharing their ideas and experiences of working with this age group.

There will also be opportunity for a wider conversation about the opportunities and challenges of working with young volunteers breakout rooms .

This free workshop is brought to you as part of the Empowering Communities partnership.

To register to participate click on the following link:


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