CLCGB Calendar

CLCGB Calendar
2012-02-01 09:00: Item Title of Your event
: 2012-02-30 20:58

New Website Coming Soon!

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A new look website is coming soon! The IT team have been working hard to bring a new look to the CLCGB website, due to the current site software coming to the end of life for support and updates. We will switch sites over the weekend of the 25th and 26th April 2015. The site will contain the same information, however the front page will be more appealing to new Companies and new members wishing to join us. We will still have all the news but on a leaders page, which is exactly the same as the home page of the current site. The new site will have an imporved search facility to quickly find what you require. To access the beta website click the image attached. We would welcome any comments about the new site, and if there is anything missing, or not working. Please email all comments to and we will take into consideration these.



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