CLCGB Calendar

CLCGB Calendar
2012-02-01 09:00: Item Title of Your event
: 2012-02-30 20:58

Introduction to DofE Course

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A message from Michelle Blackburn, the DofE Operations Officer (National Delivery Team)

The DofE are planning to run an ‘Intro to DofE’ course on Saturday 12th September this year at their head office in Windsor. This is a one day course, running from 10.00am until 4pm and is offered to CLCGB members at a special rate of £25 per head. This will include a cold buffet lunch and The Handbook for DofE Leaders.

Please register your interest in attending this course here by Friday 28th August; please add your name & "CLCGB" into the participant box. Please note, they require a minimum of 6 delegates in order to run the course so may have to cancel this date if there is not enough interest.

The Introduction to the DofE training course will provide you with the information needed to be a DofE Leader and run DofE programmes within a centre. It will put the learning from our e-induction into context in a practical way. It is suitable for new DofE Leaders as well as existing Leaders who want to improve their DofE knowledge.

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