CLCGB Calendar

CLCGB Calendar
2012-02-01 09:00: Item Title of Your event
: 2012-02-30 20:58

Barrie Byford R.I.P

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We regret to have to announce the death of one of our greatest supporters on 9th November this year.

Barrie Byford was Treasurer for both the Leicester Regiment and the CLCGB at national level for over thirty years, until his retirement from the National post in 2010.

There will be a Thanksgiving Service at Leicester cathedral on Tuesday, November 26th at 2.30pm when many Brigade representatives hope to be present to give thanks for the life and work of a dearly loved colleague.

Our love and sympathy go out to Barrie’s wife, our patron, Baroness Byford and the family at this time.


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