Congratulations Hazel Dines - local unsung hero award
Hazel Dines the Commanding Officer at Brightlingsea has been honoured in a local award scheme for unsung community hero's across Tendring.
The following article was published on the Tendring website. To see the full article click here
Hazel Dines
Hazel Dines is a member of the Church Parochial Church Council in Brightlingsea and is also an active member of the social/fundraising committee of the Church.
She is a regular church attender giving her time to assist people at services by taking her turn on the rota of “Sides Persons”. She is also on the readers’ rota and is a Chalice Assistant. But her main activity is as Commanding Officer of the Brightlingsea Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade. Hazel would be the first to recognise that it is not only her who is responsible for the current situation but it is her willingness to “come out of retirement” and tirelessly efforts to lead the group that puts it in such a strong position today.
Congratulations to Hazel on this award, recognising her hard work with the CLCGB in Brightlingsea. Hazel will be presented with an accolade at Clacton's Princess Theatre on February 8th.
To leave a message for Hazel click here to find us on facebook.