Monthly Archive

April 2014

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 11 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Historic Group New Factsheet uploaded

The Historic Group have recently published a new factsheet.  This factsheet is based on The 16th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps (Church Lads' Brigade). pdf To download this factsh... read more..

Latest Manchester Regiment News online April 2014

The latest Manchester Regiment Roundup is now online.  To take a look visit the following link:  pdf Manchester Regiment Roundup April 2014 (713 KB) To view previous editions of the Ro... read more..

North East Camp email address

For information and circulation: The North East Camp have a new contact email address.  To contact one of the North East Camp organisers please use the following mailbox: northeastcamp@email.clcgb.or... read more..

Contact Us

General Enquiries If you have any queries, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact us using any of the methods below:   Address: CLCGB NHQ, St. Martin's House, 2 Barnsley Road, ... read more..

Brigade email addresses

We are now offering each company a CLCGB email address ( This is part of our corporate branding for the national organisation, to ensure that we use the same branding a... read more..

Happy Easter 2014

From all the staff at NHQ and Brigade Council we wish all of our members, leaders and clergy a very Happy Easter.  ... read more..

Privacy Protection

Introduction The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade (CLCGB) is committed to protecting your privacy. This policy details the information we collect from you when you access the CLCGB website, C... read more..

Fundraising Cycle-a-thon

Christ the servant church Skelmersdale are planning a 36 hour cycle-a-thon, from the 25th-27th of April to raise funds for the Brigade. They will start at 7pm on the Friday and will finish a read more..

Training Courses available

Bid writing masterclass training is available to CLCGB CLCGB have been offered places on a bid writing masterclass training day in Rotherham on 15th May 2014 from 10am - 4pm.  The cost of the da... read more..

Fundraising in the Brigade

From Brigade Council we are looking at applying for grants nationally to assist local companies.  We have setup an online forum group for ideas of what you would like fundraising for?  To ac... read more..

National Band Concert 2014

Saturday 3rd May 2014 at 7:30pm St Michael's High School, Astley Road, Chorley Tickets available at £5 each available by emailing   read more..

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