UK Parliament Week
UK Parliament Week is a fantastic opportunity for uniform organisations and youth groups just like the CLCGB. Take part in the fun by holding an event or activity with your group, whilst they explore the work of UK Parliament and what it means to them.
The event is held from 13th to 19th November 2017.
Read about one youth group leader and their experience taking part last year.
Taking part in UK Parliament Week Your organisation can take part in UK Parliament Week in almost any way you wish. From workshops to debates, film screenings and performances, your organisation can make a real difference to your audiences and to the UK Parliament.
To be included in the programme your event should help your audiences to:
• Engage with the work of the UK parliament, MPs and members of the House of Lords, through participative events and activities
• Explore the history of the UK Parliament and think about its role in democracy
• Empower them to get involved with the UK Parliament and make their voices heard about issues that matter to them Please note that UK Parliament Week events should not:
• Be part of a political campaign or promote a particular party’s viewpoints. Nor should it suggest that UK Parliament Week or the Houses of Parliament share a particular political viewpoint.
• Be profit-making.
You can charge people to attend your event, but the money must go towards the cost of running the event.Read our full terms and conditions here: terms-and-conditions-2 What do you want to do, and why? We recommend that you start planning your UK Parliament Week event or activity by thinking about what you want to achieve. There are plenty of reasons why you might want to take part in UK Parliament Week.
These could include:
• Offering something new to your existing audiences
• Reaching new audiences
• Using UK Parliament Week as an opportunity to promote the work you’re already doing
• Fulfilling an identified need for your existing audiences
• Wanting to try something new It’s important to think about what your organisation will get out of taking part. This will help you decide how much time you have to organise your event or activity and how much (if any) money you can spend on it. Keep in mind that the success of an activity is not necessarily determined by the money spent on it, but rather your planning and creativity.
UK Parliament Week does not fund any partner organisation‘s events, but if you would like some tips on raising money to support your event, take a look at the fundraising section in the Planning Your Event or Activity toolkit. Who do you want to reach? Think about the target audience for your event because this will help you decide what the event will consist of and how you will promote it. Some partners use UK Parliament Week as an opportunity to reach out to new audiences.
Example events and activities Here are some example events to get you thinking about what your organisation can plan for UK Parliament Week: Question Time Question Time events are where an audience is invited to ask panellists questions – usually about current affairs. Question Time events are a great way for your audience to ask local politicians, influencers and others (with differing political viewpoints) about the issues that matter to them. Someone neutral needs to chair the event to keep things moving – keeping panellists to time and encouraging questions from the audience. These events usually work for a wide range of audience groups, although you also need to be careful that your audience has the confidence to ask questions. You can ask your audience to submit questions in advance, which gives them time to think about what they want to ask and it gives your panellists the opportunity to think about their answers.